Screen stays blocked

Q: After detaching a MoDesign item that manipulates vision (e.g. Blindfold or Bane Helmet) I end up with a screen still blocked in black or any other color.
A: This may happen when the MoDesign product is not able to undo its blocking settings.
This may happen on detach when the viewer might determine the item no longer valid and thus discard the message that is used to reset the screen.
More likely it might fail for an other RLv item locks the screen settings while the MoDesign product tries to release the settings.

  1. Detach the item that caused the problem
    (if not already done)
  2. Go to: World->Environment->Midday
    if this does not bring back complete vision,
  3. Go to: Advanced->Debug Settings
  4. Enter: renderresolutiondivisor
  5. Click: Reset to default
    if this does not bring back vision,
    repeat these steps while not using RLv
    (use a standard SL viewer)
Your vision should be reestablished.
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