Tutorial: Blindfold

The first time you wear the MoDesign Blindfold, a menu will open, the blindfold will be shown, but you will not be blinded. This is, so you can adjust the size of your Blindfold:
  1. Wear your blindfold.
  2. The Adjust Size menu will open.
  3. Use the Adjust Size plugin to adjust the size
  4. Use Edit of the viewer to adjust position.
  5. When done: Press "Save"
  6. Detach the Blindfold (IMPORTANT!)
The Blindfold is now ready to be used.

  • General:
    - When the Blindfold is visible, the vision of the sub is blocked.
    - The blindfold is worn at nose and there is a touch-zone around the eyes, even when the blindfold is off (invisible)

  • MoLock: Locking & Timelock:
    - The MoDesign Blindfold is equipped with MoLock. Please refer the MoLock Tutorial for details
    - When you lock the lock, the Blindfold will block vision immediately.

  • On / Off
    Used to activate or deactivate the blindfold.
    When Off, the blindfold is invisible and vision is clear
  • Light / Medium / Total
    3 Levels of vision blocking:
    - Light: The vision is blurred
    - Medium: The vision is blurred and darkened
    - Total: The vision is all black

  • Blindfold Settings:
    - Hide Names / Show Names -
    The blind one will not read the names of pople in chat
    - Hide Loc / Show Loc -
    Hide Loc will hide location information
    - Hide Map / Show Map -
    Hide Map will hide World Map and Mini Map
    - Lock Mode -
    Choose whether the Blindfold should be turned on when the lock gets locked
    - Unlock Mode -
    Choose whether the Blindfold should be turned off when the lock gets unlocked


Q: The blindfold does not blind me, or but some objects get dark
A: Please set a higher level of graphics preferences, especially make sure that Basic Shaders and Atmospheric Shaders are enabled.
A: Your computer or your viewer is not able to process the required graphics performance.
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