Tutorial: #RLV Folders Usage Example

In the previous lesson, we learned how to set up an outfit in #RLV folders.
Now I want to show how to use the MoDesign #RLV Folders plugin to wear or undress this outfit or parts of it.

First, lets have a look again at the folder structure I created in my #RLV folder:

When I open the #RLV Folders plugin, I get this:
(The menu shoots for this tutorial have been created with MoDesign #RLV Folders v2.14 - if you use a newer version, the menu might look slightly different. The general usage stays the same.)

Please have a look at the menu text. It indicates, that:
- we are in wear mode (not undress)
- we are currently at the #RLV root folder: /
- we can access a folder named Latex Outfit

Notice the slash / in front of the Latex Outfit. It indicates, that there are more outfits inside.

Lets enter the Latex Outfit folder: I click that button:

Now we see the 3 folders of the Latex Outfit, the catsuit, the boots and the belt.

You can see no leading slash / at any of the named items. This indicates, that these are basic outfits, no more sub folders inside.

As I am in Wear Mode, a click on the button of one of these outfits will wear that.
Klicking on "Wear This" would only wear all outfit in the Latex Outfit folder, but not the outfits in the subfolders (Catsuit, Boots and Belt). As there is no 'basic' stuff in the Latex Outfit folder, this would have no effect for this folder at present.

Clicking on (All) would wear everything in the Latex Outfit folder and all sub-folders.

Lets do this and click (All):

Looks pretty the same now, safe that all outfits now start with an asterix. This means, all these outfits are worn. When a asterix is shown in front of a folder, it means all outfits inside that folder are worn.

One very handy feater is the * Mode of the plugin. It is active on default, but can be changed individually in the Settings menu of course.
The * Mode allows you to undress worn outfit without the need to change the Wear-Mode. This gives me two options to get rid of that chastity belt:
  • Press Mode:Undress and then the Chastity Belt button
  • press the Chastity Belt button right away, as the * Mode is active
Ok, lets do it fast and press the Chastity Belt button to get rid of the belt.
After that, I press /.. (up) to get back to the Latex Outfit folder:

As you can see, the Latex Outfit folder is now marked with a plus. This indicates that there are some items worn inside the folder.

When I click it, I will enter the folder again. When dressing the chastity belt again and going back up, the plus will be replaced by an asterix.
When I now click the */Latex Outfit button .. I do not enter the folder .. gosh, * Mode is active and all worn outfit inside will be undressed .... sorry, seems I need to run. ;o)
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